miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017

Date paste

Hi everyone, so as you may know I have been trying to minimize my animal product consumtion, one of the easiest was milk, but eggs and honey... that's an issue. In most of my baking recipes I use honey, honey is twice as sweet as regular sugar (in volume), so you get more sweetness with less calories, and that's awesome, but honey is an animal product so I'm lowering its consumption. I came up with this idea the day I made ma'amoul cookies. I hope you find it useful and you like it!

  • 150 gr dry dates
  • 150 gr water
  • Place the dry dates in a bowl and add hot water.
  • Let them cool completely
  • Place the dates together with the liquid in a food processor and process them until a paste is formed.
  • Transfer the paste to a pot and cook it stirring constantly until the volume reduces to a half a cup container.
  • That's it!

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